JavaScript classes are a way to create objects with similar properties and behaviors.
If we have a class called “Cat,” it might have properties like “breed” and “color,” and methods like “meow” and “jump.” When we create an object from the Cat class, it will have those properties and methods, which we can use to give it specific characteristics and behavior.
So, if we create a Cat object named “Leo,” we could set its breed to “Ragamuffin” and its color to “mink,” and then make it meow and jump. Classes help us organize our code and make it easier to create and work with objects.
Here is an example of a JavaScript class:
class Cat {
constructor(breed, color) {
this.breed = breed;
this.color = color;
meow() {
console.log("Meow meow!");
jump() {
This class defines a Cat with two properties (breed and color) and two methods (meow and jump). To create an object from this class, we can use the new
keyword, like this:
let leo = new Cat("Ragamuffin", "mink");
This creates a new Cat object named “leo” with a breed of “Ragamuffin” and a color of “mink.” We can then use the object’s methods like this:
leo.meow(); // Output: "Meow meow!"
leo.jump(); // Output: "*jumps*"
We can also access and modify the object’s properties like this:
console.log(leo.breed); // Output: "Ragamuffin"
console.log(leo.color); // Output: "mink"
max.breed = "British Shorthair";
max.color = "grey";
console.log(leo.breed); // Output: "British Shorthair"
console.log(leo.color); // Output: "grey"
In the above example, we used the class to create an object and give it specific properties and behavior.
So, in short, JavaScript classes are a way to group similar objects together and give them common properties and behaviors. Classes are a powerful tool in JavaScript, and they can help you organize and simplify your code.